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MAGAZINE: Mineral Products Today

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Issue 27 - Summer 2024

  • Moving mountains - Britain's materials flow by all means
  • Under pressure - Building stone has a new threat
  • Clay it again - Cement from reclaimed clays
  • Minerals manifesto - New government priorities

Issue 26 - Winter 2023/2024

  • The early bird - Diversity of flourishing wildlife in quarries
  • Capturing carbon - Vital technology for net zero
  • Concrete commitments - Sustainability strategy revamped
  • Sea-sourced sand - UK is setting the standard

Issue 25 - Summer 2023

  • Net negative carbon - Lime industry sets out its roadmap
  • Resetting the standard - Green light for low carbon concretes
  • Recycling proficiency - The drive towards circularity
  • Stories from the soil - Quarrying's role in archaeology

Issue 24 - Winter 2022/23

  • Energy security - Next generation is all at sea
  • Mind the gap - 4bn tonne demand must be met
  • Concrete progress - Solutions in a circular economy
  • Build back wetter - Quarrying creates new wetlands

Issue 23 - Summer 2022

  • Government as client - Delivering for the public sector
  • Decarbonising cement - Time for a joined-up approach
  • Working landscapes - Extraction in designated areas
  • Silica sand scarcity - A line in the sand?

Issue 22 - Summer 2021

  • Never assume supply
  • Are we running out of mineral?
  • Decarbonisation not demonisation
  • 50 years of ‘net gain’

Issue 21 - Winter 2020

  • How low can you go? - Beyond zero carbon concrete
  • Essential mineral products - Has Government finally got it?
  • A change of plan - Mineral planning matters
  • From the ashes - Saving secondary sources

Issue 20 - Autumn 2019

  • Quarries & Nature - Uniquely placed for net gain
  • First defence - Fighting the floods
  • Home truths - Climate resilient housing
  • Hot gossip? - Lower carbon asphalt

Issue 19 - Summer 2019

  • Climate of change - Confronting the challenges
  • Circular economy - Recycling success
  • Low-carbon innovation - Where there's a will . . .
  • Grenfell lessons - Learning the hard way

Issue 18 - Autumn 2018

  • Delivering concrete ambitions
  • Standard bearers - continuity is key
  • Heated debate - cool as concrete
  • Under the sea - wrecks revealed

Issue 17 - Summer 2018

  • Technology driven - pushing productivity
  • Choosing offsite? - why precast works
  • Community fund - new ideas
  • No-one better - top for recycling

Issue 16 - Autumn 2017

  • Building bridges better connections
  • Quarries & Nature 2017 - restoration and biodiversity award winners
  • Bigger and better - joined-up wildlife
  • Safeguarding - protect key sites
  • Quarrywatch new initiative

Issue 15 - Summer 2017

  • Adapting to change - strengthening resilience
  • Broken market - fix for housing
  • Perfect storm - road death action
  • Firm foundations - industrial strategy

Issue 14 - Autumn 2016

  • Building brighter futures - Hinkley points the way
  • Tomorrow’s roads - a new era
  • Making Brexit work - pursuing opportunities
  • Workforce wellbeing - safe AND healthy

Issue 13 - Summer 2016

  • Building Britain
  • Climate control - weather protection
  • Natural capital - balancing act
  • National treasure - water park from quarrying

Issue 12 - Autumn 2015

  • Second nature - delivering on biodiversity
  • Pushing productivity - taking a lead
  • March of the makers - buoyant manufacturers
  • Wise on water - careful stewardship

Issue 11 - Summer 2015

  • Seizing the opportunities - challenges for the new Parliament
  • Lagoon power - great potential
  • Supply shortage - planning worries
  • Going underground - keyhole surgery

Issue 10 - Autumn 2014

  • Delivering for the UK - growth in the next Parliament
  • Under strain - can trains cope?
  • Prime people - new recognition
  • Cool asphalt - greener roads

Issue 9 - Summer 2014

  • Crossrail - concrete ‘makes the link’
  • Dawlish - saved from the sea
  • Digging deep - reward for marine team
  • In the flow - river delivery

Issue 8 - Autumn 2013

  • Shifting perceptions - a new approach to quarrying
  • Powering up and cutting carbon
  • National Nature Park - we launch a new UK asset
  • Graded grains - fitter footballers

Issue 7 - Summer 2013

  • Accelerating delivery - we need faster growth now
  • Giant step - boosting the Causeway
  • Ecosystems services - nature’s business
  • Staying safe - industry action

Issue 6 - Autumn 2012

  • Foundation for the economy - making the link
  • Green supply chain - tracking performance
  • Olympics legacy - what comes next?
  • Safer by partnership - calling contractors

Issue 5 - Spring 2012

  • Action on cycle safety - campaign gathers pace
  • Uniquely placed - big on biodiversity
  • Craft meets tech - versatile precast
  • Action speaks loudest - delivering sustainability

Issue 4 - Summer 2011

  • On the way up? - going for growth
  • Big Society conflict? - new fund proposed
  • Cool concrete - beats overheating
  • Raising the bar - precasters’ bold move

Issue 3 - Autumn 2010

  • Localism - can it deliver?
  • Surviving the storm - preparing for recovery
  • High energy - keeping the lights on
  • Novel cements - the quest to cut carbon

Issue 2 - Summer 2010

  • Delivering for the nation . . . supporting the recovery
  • Heavyweight champion - making the case for concrete
  • Footprint for the future - cutting carbon
  • One man’s mission - Brian’s legacy

Issue 1 - Autumn 2009

  • Humble beginnings - Kate explores biodiversity
  • Showcase 09 - tributes to the industry
  • Cement and carbon - no fuel like a new fuel
  • Sustainable concrete - making the case